Thursday, December 15, 2011

Time to Get Professional

After a thorough review of our photo inventory, it has been discovered that I don't have any professional demenour photos of myself. In otherwords, I'm always making a goofy face, holding the rabbit, or am with someone else. The only ones that are mildly passable in this regard are from the wedding, and I'm not going to use a wedding photo for a professional identifier. This simply will not do, especially if I plan on gearing up to promote myself. It may stem from lifelong self-image issues, but as the hubby loves to tell me, I have a pretty bad fake smile - or should I say forced smile. I don't like showing my teeth as it feels a bit too chimp like.

Proof that I never make normal faces, even for my husband

I've decided that I need more mental stimulization, which is one of the motivating factors of this blog, so I'm yet again scanning through available jobs of interest to see what kind of further training I would need to obtain one of them. So far the answer seems pretty self explanitory: masters in public health or social work. It is something that I have suspected and now known  for a few months now, but it still leaves me floundering a bit when I come to that conclusion. If only if didn't cost so much time and money to achieve. School was always easy and usually energizing for me, and now that I've been away for 5 years to the day tomorrow, it seems difficult to get the wheels turning again. At times I wish I had never stopped, even though I understand and still agree with the reasons. Several friends have recently graduated from graduate school with their advanced degrees and I can't help but feel a twinge of envy. 

Back in the summer of 2006 I was in Switzerland with the future hubby's family. We were up in the Alps hiking down from the Schilthorn (the famous revolving restaurant of James Bond movie fame) when we stopped at a cliff side meadow for a short break. I remember sitting on the edge of the cliff looking over, completely unafraid while getting scolded for doing something so potentially perilous. At times I wish the hestency that comes with getting older and having more responsibilities didn't exist. Had I never worked within the medical field I would potentially not have so much paranoia about medical costs or a fear of being without health insurance which keeps me from being truly ambitious. I've become very skiddish about certain things over time, or perhaps I was always this way - hyper rational and now at the point where its becoming a hinderance. Well, there's no use of pouting about it now.  I guess that I'll just have to make the hubby take some more professional photos of me.