Sunday, July 15, 2012

Time Marchs On

Oh wow, it's already mid July. As it always seems to go, once the good weather hits you loose track of time and then it is gone before you know it. It gets me thinking about all that I have yet to do, which leads me back to grad school... It's been 5.5 years since undergrad and I don't feel like I've accomplished much intellectually, which for someone whose identity has been wrapped around my intellectual persuits is pretty depressing. Life keeps feeling like it is putting up various detours, forcing the scenic route. Generally I prefer the scenic route as the journey is usually the point in life, but I'm getting impatient.
Pico trying to hide in the garden
It is almost like trying to herd a rabbit, or the more famility analogy of trying the herd cats - it doesn't ever seem to work out the way that you would think, no matter how much planning and forethought you invest. For instance, I keep scouting out jobs at all the Global Health (GH) companies in the area, since Seattle is a GH center, and I keep finding entry level jobs, but I just don't have enough experience to progress in the application process. I've looked for various volunteer oppurtunities around the city, but surprisingly most of them happen during the work week instead of the week end, making it impossible with my current work schedule. I've been trying to keep up on the latest anthropological and socially aware research, but without access to the industry publications I am reliant on whatever makes it mainstream. (On that front, there was an interesting story in Friday's Seattle Times about the peopling the the america's and the confirmation of there being multiple contemporaneous groups through coprolite dating in Oregon, but the hubby just found it funny how excited I got over fossilized poop...) These are all reminders about the work to be done and the knowledge yet to be elucidated.

On the more positive note, I have managed to be fairly busy the past month and a half: went to the wedding of my cousin Kyle, had a large father's day dinner with too much food at Perche No in Wallingford, had a girls reunion trip to Austin and San Antonio, Texas with some friends from college, donated my old bike, investigated other Seattle neighborhoods that would be in our price range were we to stay in Seattle for grad school. See, it's not like I haven't had things to do, it just hasn't been what I was hoping for, and that is the stickler. Our own assumptions and expections should not be allowed to get us down, but that is the very basis of why the stock market is so volatile - investor concerns vs investor confidence.

 If only there was a way to take the reigns or helm our own ship so that the waves of uncertainty cease to toss us to and fro. The other option I suppose would be for someone to figure out how to slow down time without it slowing our progess down as well.  Good luck on that...