Monday, August 1, 2011

To begin at the beginning

So, the online world of blogging has finally enticed another naive writer to spill their thoughts onto the intractable internet for all see and judge. As quaint as it may sound, the idea of a blog has been percolating in my mind for quite some time - it has just taken a while to get myself to actually follow thorugh. The intent of this blog is partly to vent my own frustrations with the way of the world and my own struggles,but to also find a way to celebrate the little moments that result in positive change and make the world a little brighter, at least from my little corner.

Why name it "Unavoidable Turbulance"? I take it from one of my favorite quotes: "Change begins with radical questioning and proceeds with unavoidable turbulence" from Between Heaven and Earth by Harriet Beinfield and Efrem Korngold, a book about Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is hard for me to even remember a time when I wasn't questioning something or when I haven't intentionally chosen a more difficult route because I thought that it would be more interesting. Change is one of the only contants in life, and that we must embrace it and grow, or fear it and become incapacitated. We will not always know the road ahead, but there will always be challanges that we must meet.

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