Saturday, February 25, 2012

Will Spring be Sprung already!?

Dear Spring,

I miss you. Please hurry up and return; life needs more color. Thanks!


It is the last weekend in February and it is threatening to snow. This is unacceptable to those of us who grew up with memories of the rare snow day a year, if you were lucky. The bulbs we planted in the yard last fall are begining to sprout, our blueberry plants are budding, and the multitude of strawberries are leafing anew. And yet it is only the high thirties... I love the Pacific Northwest, but our winters suck. Three to four months of solid gray and drizzle can make the most die-hard Seattlite forelorn.

Luckily, we have things like the Spring Tulip Festival in Mount Vernon every year to welcome the new season with vibrant floral goodness. To be fair, once you have gone once you do not really need to go again, but it is always nice to know that every year there will be field of colorful field of flowers, each one a different hue. We haven't gone in four or five years now, and yet the pictures left a lasting impression. What better way to strick away at the gray of the preceeding months than technicolor flowers. If only our yards would catch up to those fields.

At least it is only about three more weeks until winter is officially over. And it just started to hail...

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