Friday, May 18, 2012

Wascally Wabbit

So, this was supposed to be a blog about philosophical musings of the current happenings in my life. Other than some things that make me really furious about american society and culture (which are two seperate and distinct beasts) there has not been that much preoccupying my mind. Well, except for the mystery of how the rabbit keeps escaping his hutch... I swear that I'm locking it at night and yet he has now twice broken free...

I can only see a few possible scenarios:
1) I'm getting really absent minded and routinely forgetting to lock his hutch.
2) He's getting smarter and has figured out how to undo the latch from within his hutch without the benefits of opposible thumbs.
3) The apartment is haunted, by Harvey - the giant imaginary rabbit, who desires that all other rabbits to be free like him.

As much as I hate to admit it, I think that the most probable answer is #1 - I'm loosing it. Maybe I'm working too much. Do you think that they'd give me time off for rabbit sanity? Probably not, especially with the baby boom that is about to explode this summer. It must be my disease addled brain rebelling. Alas, that too seems an improbable answer.

Maybe he is escaping due to the humiliation that I impose upon him whilst shnuggling...
Looks like this will be a question similar to the tootsie pop dilemma: the world may never know.

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