Sunday, March 10, 2013

T-Minus 9 weeks and counting

February flew by, as the shortest month of the year should I suppose, but holy cow it's already March! Luckily, we have not been idle since the end of January. In that time a few of the big uncertainties have been fleshed out. We picked up my family heirloom cradle to use for the first few months of impending child's life, bought a dresser of Craig's List that my parents are helping us repair and refinish, had our last ultrasound of the baby - he's looking very human and pretty much will just spend the next few weeks plumping up, and took our childbirth class. Pretty much every weekend has been filled with at least one major to-do item, which helps my stress level but doesn't leave too much chill time. I suspect though that down time will be in short supply for the next few months if not years.

We also have been working to figure out our living situation. We can't stay in our apartment for a whole additional year (the floor plan doesn't suit it even though the square footag does) so we're moving forward simultaneously on both trying to get pre-approved for a mortgage and looking for new apartments. Our landlord has been gracious enough to let us go month-to-month for a little while since we can't move the month our lease is up due to the baby's arrival, plus he's not raising the rent. We just need to try to move out as soon as we can; my goal is by the end of the summer at the latest. Hopefully it will be into something purchased, but if we can't get approved for an amount that would put us in areas that work for us (ie don't force us to get a second car) then we'll look at renting a few years more and trying to save more money. We've got an appointment later in the month to go over our application, but I'm trying to not stress out over the outcome. It will happen eventually, so we'll just take what ever happens with a grain of salt and press forward.

As far as the pregnancy goes, I've been feeling pretty good up until the last week or so. We learned at the ultrasound that he's already head down, and it seems like once that change happened I've been a lot more uncomfortable and a lot less flexible. I'm even considering asking for a referral for a prenatal massage to see if that helps. With a good 2 months left to go if all goes according to plan, I'd prefer not to be in pain. It feels like I've pulled or strained a few muscles in my back trying to get up out of both bed and the couch, so I'm trying to stretch and use better body mechanics when moving. I'm not moving boxes any more at work, resulting in sitting more throughout the day which in turn is causing in more swelling of the feet and ankles by the end of the day due to being more stationary. I just hope that I can keep my activity level up and not get too tired. Riding the bus almost daily helps force me to move around, but I'd prefer to be a little more comfortable while doing so.

Umm.... I think that's really about it. We've got our infant safety class still to take, baby showers to attend, a few more doctors appointments and that pre-approval meeting I had mentioned, but otherwise all planned events are done and out of the way. We now just get to focus on waiting for the arrival of our little man. I just hope that I can handle it with as little intervention as possible just to speed recovery time; I don't do well just resting all day which I hear is the recommendation for about 2-6 weeks with a c-section. Let's just say that is not going to be realistic for our lifestyle... especially the whole part about avoiding going up and down stairs. Our basement apartment makes that a mandatory daily activity no matter what the doctors recommend.

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