Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Things that go bump

Our annual pumpkin tradition - a pico inspired jack-o-lantern

First off, Happy Halloween! I can't believe it's already the end of October. I feel like a slacker who has been avoiding writing. Truth is, big changes are afoot.

By this time next week the election will finally be over. It has felt like this has drug on for the past year and a half at least, so it will be just grand to get it done and over with - no matter what the outcome. I'm hopeful that my preferences will have a winning shot, but you never know until  all the ballots are counted, so I'll resist predictions and analysis until afterwards. There are bound to be road bumps from both sides on multiple issues. I fully suspect at least one legal challenge to some election decision.

Secondly, the other thing thing that goes bump is my belly as Bryant and I are bound to be parents this coming spring. I'm just barely beginning to show and finally not so nauseated. The vomitting has subsided to only once ever 3-4 days instead of almost daily, which is a vast improvement. I'll be happier still when it leaves me for good, or at least once a month or more instead of weekly. We are both excited and a bit nervous (who wouldn't be?) and are slowly beginning to prepare for the incoming change. We have a tour of the hospital labor and delivery ward next week and will probably start looking at our living arrangement options pretty seriously in the coming weeks. We can last where we currently are until mystery baby is maybe six months old, but seeing as how our lease is up the month we're due, some decision will need to be made well before then. That launches us back into the rent vs try to buy scenario yet again.

It has felt for so long like progress has been put on hold, and now yet again everything is happening at once. I suppose slow and steady is not the way that life will be for us.  Grad school has been pushed off another year or two, depending on time, money, and energy; it's a good thing though, as the new health laws won't be finalized until 2014, so I've got a little time for things to smooth out on that front.

Seeing as how I don't really have details on anything at this point, I'll just have to leave it at this. I promise not to wait so long next time, if for no other reason than my own intellectual stimulation.

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