Tuesday, November 27, 2012

TV killed the holiday mood

Maybe its just a hold over from the political season that just ended, but I'm already sick of all the holiday adds that have now replaced the political ones. It's only 29 days until christmas and if you believe the adds on tv, all the good loot is nearly gone! Heaven forbid you actually have to budget out the holidays and not spend >$750 - which is supposed to be the per shopper average this year. Yeah... for all this talk of debt and fiscal crisis we sure are ready to spend money we really don't have on things we really don't need in the name of holiday sales. The worst was a Walmart commercial I saw where a man is trying to convince the woman that they need a new tv even though a)they already have one and b) it is too expensive. Sadly, the man wins under the premise of "we can put it on our Walmart credit card" which basically means you are paying for something you don't need with money you don't have. This made me physically sick that they be so blatant about the excess of it all. Additionally,  I was looking up the top toys this year for kids and they actually recommend you buy a five year old boy an ipad... Not happening in my household. If they want something that expensive they get to save their money and buy it themselves. Same thing goes for video games and anything else that is more than $50 and highly breakable.

I could blame it on hormones I suppose, but I haven't really felt that "crazy" so it wouldn't feel genuine. If the hubby hadn't unplugged my stereo for his Playstation, I would totally just put a cd on instead of the TV for noise. Intolerance of silence it the really driver behind all the  TV watching. The last three months of college when I didn't have cable or internet in my apartment were surprisingly easy to deal with and motivating. Instead of turning into a blob after work maybe I'd actually do more things, such as update this blog, read up on baby stuff, do christmas shopping/maybe even make gifts this year instead. After spending all day at work on the computer I usually try to avoid being on it at home if for no other reason than to save my eyes the added strain, but the tv is really not much better. Perhaps if it wasn't pitch black by the time I get home I'd be more motivated as well but short of moving somewhere farther south that won't be happening.

Besides, there are plenty of indoor things to do during the cold dark northern winters. For example, there are always more Pico songs to invent, more cleaning to be done, more reading of books that actually intellectually challenge you, more holiday baking, and definately more exercising and baby planning. I've got to embrace the quiet in these last few months, because who knows how loud this impending child will be. We're hoping it takes after my near muteness as a child (I've never seen the point in small talk), but the odds don't look good.

Lets hope that I can find a way to salvage the holiday cheer without breaking the bank or driving the hubby crazy with nonstop christmas music. There's about a 50% chance of success.

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